This adventurous tour features sightseeing along the Na Pali Coast before crossing the 17 mile wide channel to the forbidden island of Ni’ihau. Enjoy a delicious continental breakfast with coffee, tea, juices, and sodas as you take in the beauty of Kauai’s coastline. While there is no landing on the coast of Ni’ihau you can swim in the crystal-clear waters where visibility is sometimes as great as 150 feet. Snorkel, float on boogie boards and noodles, play on the water slide. If you’d rather dangle your feet in the water.
On the way back to Port Allen, relax with a delicious and plentiful deli buffet lunch complete with beer, wine and the best Mai Tais off the coast of Kauai.
Tour Operates Tuesdays & Fridays only. Check in is 6:15am
Ni’ihau is the smallest of Hawaii’s inhabited islands. The island is known by its nickname of the ‘Forbidden Island’ as it is generally off limits to the public and only relatives of the island’s owners and invited guests are allowed to step foot on the land. The 4.9 million year old Island of Ni’ihau is approximately 6 miles wide and 18 miles long and has only a few hundred permanent residents, almost all of whom are native Hawaiians. This Ni’ihau adventure offers an up close look at the the coast of Ni’ihau and gives you the opportunity to swim, snorkel, and even scuba dive in its exceptional crystal clear waters.
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
Current Kauai Time: 5:10 AM
We were wondering about a person (our mom) who does/can’t snorkel but wants to go with us and watch. What would be the charge for her?
Aloha Debb! The cost would be the same, there is a per person fee for taking up a spot on the boat so we can not get out of that. However the tour is absolutely beautiful, she can relax on the boat while you others will be snorkeling which is about 45min.
I am interested in this excursion on Friday, February 14th, 2025. We must be back to the cruise terminal in Nawiliwili by 3:30 pm. Do you provide roundtrip transportation from the cruise terminal?