Kauai Kayak Tours Discounts

Best Deals on Kauai Kayak Tours!

“Aloha Kai” Love & caring for the sea is embedded deeply in the Hawaiian culture.Poipu Sea Kayaking Tour

Kayaking on Kauai is one of the most popular activities with visitors and locals alike. Being out on the water is an incredible feeling. Whether you are riding waves on the mighty ocean or paddling up a stunningly serene river.

Kauai is home to the only navigable rivers in the Hawaiian islands. Kauai’s Wailua River is the most commonly used by locals and tourists alike. Kauai Kayak Tours are the most popular water sport on the river going out everyday but Sunday. On the weekends you can catch the local paddling teams racing outrigger canoes. Once an ancient Hawaiian tradition now an extremely popular & competitive sport. Flowing from Mt. Waialeale, the wettest spot in the world, the Wailua River features 2 of the most popular waterfalls here on Kauai. Opaekaa Falls & Wailua Falls are easily seen from the road.

wailua_riverWailua River Guides Kayak Adventure will guide you up the river around the bend and into a secret cove where you will tie up your kayaks and begin your mile hike through the verdant jungle to a magnificent 120′ Waterfall. Often referred to as “secret falls” kayaking is the only way you will see this secluded waterfall in all its beauty. Take off your shoes and give your feet a rest while you jump in the refreshing swimming hole and bask in the sun!

Are looking for a more challenging adventure a little exercise while you explore Kauai’s hidden beauty? Check out our South Shore Sea Kayak with Outfitters Kauai! Leaving out of Poipu on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s take part in a once in a lifetime adventure. As you paddle out the ocean opens up underneath you. Clear blue water, turtles, dolphins & whales (seasonally). With the wind at your back paddle Poipu’s beautiful coast line. Snorkel among Kauai’s incredible marine life. Catch a wave onto a secluded beach where you will enjoy a delicious picnic lunch. Kauai Sea Kayaking is a must, let us guide you into an incredible adventure!

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